Spatio-temporal lapse
Spatio-temporal lapse (2014-2016) is a series of paintings dealing with the concept of time and impressions stored by our subconsciousness. Leaning on Bergson's concept of time as pure duration (la durée pure), the continuity which we can grasp through inner experience, life is perceived as a continuous and inconceivable current, as opposed to a sequence of consecutive sharply-outlined states of mind, and can thus be measured not quantitatively but only qualitatively. Time is portrayed as a strong invisible force within which all creatures and phenomena are created, shaped, transformed and ultimately vanish.
In the "Treatise of Human Nature" David Hume says we are "a bundle or collections of different perceptions which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity... The mind (or self) is a kind of theatre where perceptions make their appearances, pass, repass, glide away, and mingle in an infinite variety …" In that sense I am interested in the experience of events focused on the senses, the spatio-temporal flow, observation of the fluctuating material world in continuous movement, a person and his/her inner world, and a link connecting a single human being to all of humanity and all of us with our environment.
Besides an aesthetic role of nature, depictions of open spaces, vast landscapes and certain natural phenomena (such as the wind and water....) play a role in the establishing of a relationship between the cycles of nature and those of man. Patterns of stored time, such as memories and impressions, 'disrupt' the absolute continuation of time, and in the process of creating personal history, a distinction between the inner and outer space becomes less clear and thus our personal histories become both real and imaginary. Both spaces are equally real, but co-existing in counterpoint.